







Useful links and breeders list


English Website

 Website of the American Gerbil Society. 

It's very interesting, it has info about maintenance, diseases, breeding, colors, list of breeders, etc 

A very nice website, superb pictures. You must visit it! 

Donna's website, vice president of AGS, she wrote a great book about gerbil care. 

U.K. website, allot of information about colors, history and genetics.

Pictures of every gerbil colors that exist.

For incredible quality picture. 

The webmaster is also the creator of the Gerbil Calculator.

May not be useful but, it's quite funny!

StoryBooks Pocket Pets
A breeder From the USA, Located in Salem, NH

(I got my first rare colored gerbils from her!!)


French Website

French site built by a vet. Lots of info about diseases.

A website about gerbils!

Site about animal made in 

Quebec's site about animals


Site about Zanimalz!!!





Gerbil breeders in Quebec province

Jade is a breeder in Drummondville (Qc) 

Kimberley breeds her gerbils with love and passion in St-Georges de Beauce (Qc). She helped with the translation of this site.  




Gerbil breeders in Europe

Breeder in the Toulouse region

Breeder in Dublin, Ireland




Other animal breeders website 



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